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Friday, December 21, 2012

Nearly a year ago.

On the eve of the new year, I decided it was time to leave the search for interesting projects in the Russian TV and film industry and come up with something of my own. Because in the last 12 (actually 95) years, our national culture is so badly degraded that almost all what producers offer to filmmakers and writers that is "banditry as a worldview." When it becomes a national idea, not only culture, but also the very existence of people run into degeneracy.
This is about what my wife and I decided to make a movie. But make it entertaining, fun and, most importantly, easy understandable for the world. Only if our film will see and love throughout the world, we have a chance to be heard in the Homeland. Because the main lies of our authorities for many centuries, is that the rest of the world is hostile to Russian.
We do not know much English, as our main character. And the story will develop more through action, not talk. We have limited financial resources so we have to make money by our unfinished work to complete it. 
However I have accumulated enough to finish the script, build a compact dark cockpit of space shuttle interior, prepare costumes, lights ... And refuse to employers because of my personal business. 
Now, as I write this, we have already finished shooting and spent about $ 25,000. I have no savings now and we edit movie combined with any income. Money still will need for dubbing and the shooting day on location in the spring.
But the film can be viewed for free. As we decided from the beginning. We hope that the audience will donate us as gratitude for how much quality work we do with so small team. 
We will share a new episode every week for a year after complete post-production.
But so far no one has seen the movie, I will post a description of what we have already done. For a possible future.

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