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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Here is the equator on timeline. With advanced audio, visual effects and color correction a movie is editing to the middle. As expected, it takes an hour with a quarter. Looks like I will finish the first cut just in time for the last day of shooting on location, delayed until late April - early May. Still need to arrange the sound tracks without this chaos.
So far reshooting is needing only for one shot. Extreme close up - falls asleep eye of a character at the extinguished light, which reflects the Earth. The cockpit will not need for this. I think to put the camera under the monitor and display the Earth. Set the required shutter to avoid flicker. Then the reflection will be authentic overlap lashes than simulated on the footage. The eye is a complex object not a mirror or prism.
…Now the problem is primarily with the fact that the person got the shadow of the camera.
And still need to shoot an hdri in the cockpit before it will have removed finally. I have to shoot the cockpit reflection in the mirror ball from different angles. 
But first it is necessary to get such a ball in the Russian market, which does not offer anything nonstandard without fear of punishment. I remember how it was with rotating rail for the cockpit. "Who are you? From what organization? We do not have an appropriate tool now. Call later."

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